Certifications vs. Master’s Degrees: Choosing Success with 4 Reasons and a Professor’s Insight

Certifications or Degrees? Hey there, knowledge seekers! Let's dive into a topic that's been sparking some lively debates in the world of education and career advancement: Should you opt for an extra college degree or go for a [...]

Exploring Military Spouse Employment Options and Portable Careers

Military Spouse Employment Military spouses are the unsung heroes who stand beside our brave service members, providing unwavering support and strength throughout their journey of service to the nation. Yet, the transient nature of military life often poses [...]

Why Investing in Your Resume Matters: Professional vs. Free Resume Services

Professional vs. Free Resume Services: As you begin your job search journey, your resume is one of the most critical tools in your arsenal. A well-crafted resume can be the key to opening doors and landing your dream [...]

Military Members Leverage Your Gallup Strengths in the Civilian Job Market

Military Gallup Strengths and Civilian Job Market As a military member, you have a unique set of skills and experiences that can be translated to a civilian job. By identifying and leveraging your Gallup strengths, you can demonstrate [...]

Exploring the “Military Friendly” School Designation

Military Friendly School Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock Article by Qunnette McCoy Friday, June 17, 2022 - How many times have you heard academic institutions use the phrase ‘military friendly’ school? The term has become so commonplace that [...]

Senior Enlisted – Defining Characteristics of a True Professional

SENIOR ENLISTED MEMBER TALKS PROFESSIONALISM I shared a conversation recently with a senior enlisted member of the special operations community, who prefers to remain anonymous. In this article, we'll just call him Senior. He and I were talking [...]

Core Resume Message

Why Your Resume Should Have a Core Message CORE RESUME MESSAGE One of the most common mistakes people make when searching for a job is not being selective and intentional about what information they put on their resume, [...]

Ready to take action and land your next job or get that promotion you’ve been eyeing? Let’s make it happen together!

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