Mentored to Success
You might be wondering what exactly a mentor/mentee relationship is and why you would want (or need) one. If so, you’re in the right place.
What is Mentorship?
Mentorship is a relationship between you (assuming you’re the one being mentored) and someone acting as your professional advisor. This person should be a more experienced individual in the same field or your desired field. Your mentor will help you develop by giving you advice drawn from their knowledge and experience.
Why Would I Want a Mentor?
There are so many benefits to having a great mentor. First, mentors are an excellent source of knowledge and support. They will help you network, set goals, and provide accountability and feedback.
If you’ve chosen your mentor wisely, they will have experience in the avenues you’re trying to head down. Ideally, your mentor will share with you the mistakes they made along the way, which helps prepare you for potential situations in your future.
How do I Find a Mentor?
There are a variety of ways to find yourself an effective mentor. Professional networking, personal relationships, and formal programs are all valid ways to connect. Look for someone in a similar position to which you desire or someone more experienced in your field with a career you admire.
Don’t feel bad if you start a mentorship and realize you don’t click with the person the way you thought you would. It is okay if you need to find someone new. Let your mentor know you appreciate their time and support and have an honest conversation with them. They may even have suggestions for a mentor that would better suit your needs.
Is Mentorship Right for You?
If you want to expand your network, learn from someone else’s experience, and follow in the professional footsteps of someone you admire, then yes, mentorship is right for you!
If you’d like help finding a mentor, we’d be happy to help you make some connections or point you in the right direction. Just head on over to the “Contact Us” page and drop us a note or give us a call.
About the Author
Melanie Lemus is the Communications Specialist for Vision to Purpose providing self-help, business, and career-focused topics. She lives in Virginia with her wonderful husband and witty daughter. Melanie loves her freedom – in Christ and America. She’s passionate about natural health and homeopathy, and she’s always down to take a hike through the mountains.
About Vision to Purpose
Vision to Purpose is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed by offering tailored career, life, and business solutions, specializing in military transitions. We also help writers become published authors!
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