Streamline Your Small Business with 17hats: All-In-One Business Management Platform

All-In-One Business Management Running a small business can be challenging, especially when managing multiple aspects of your operations independently. After trying many of the various business management platforms that promised could help streamline my business processes and save [...]

Senior Enlisted – Defining Characteristics of a True Professional

SENIOR ENLISTED MEMBER TALKS PROFESSIONALISM I shared a conversation recently with a senior enlisted member of the special operations community, who prefers to remain anonymous. In this article, we'll just call him Senior. He and I were talking [...]

Best Practices

Are YOUR Best Practices Still Best Practices? It is no secret that if an organization wants to thrive in an ever-changing environment they must be willing to adapt to new circumstances as they arise. In times of change, trust me, there is no shortage of advice from experts telling us to use best practices if we want our organization to succeed. Why a best practice?

Organizational Vision

5 Reasons Why Employees in Your Organization Might NOT Embrace Your Vision You are a GREAT leader. There is no doubt about it! You have worked hard to cultivate a culture of respect within the organization. You speak with clarity every time you convey a message. You meet with your employees every chance you get. You work hard to inspire and challenge others because you know your employees come to work to make a difference just like you. You and your employees are ONE TEAM working together for the greater good; you feel it. You are an inclusive leader who is open and honest; people trust you. You are authentic. How then is it that employees are not embracing your vision?

Ready to take action and land your next job or get that promotion you’ve been eyeing? Let’s make it happen together!

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