U is for Updating Your Resume
Updating Your Resume Whether or not you're in an active job search, regularly updating your resume is smart. Your resume must reflect your up-to-date skills and experiences. Why Keep Your Resume Updated? It is much easier to maintain [...]
T is for Toxic Workplaces
Signs of a Toxic Workplace Unfortunately, toxic workplaces are not as rare as we’d like to believe. If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve possibly seen some red flags pop up in your workplace. Read on to find [...]
S is for Starting Over
Start Fresh Starting over in your career is just one of the many changes that life may throw at you. We all will face changes – some good and some bad. Some of us embrace change better than [...]
R is for Resume
Creating a Successful Resume An effective resume is one that gets you the job. Sounds simple, right? Well, anyone who’s been in the job search for more than a month knows that it’s not quite that straightforward. What [...]
Q is for Quit
Why People Quit Reasons to Consider Quitting There are so many reasons that a person might consider quitting their job. Perhaps you’re in a toxic work environment. Maybe your job is a total dead-end with no growth opportunities. [...]
P is for Priorities
What are your priorities? For many of us, that’s a simple question that we can give a quick answer to. For others, it’s a loaded question because it comes with the instant self-reflection of where we’re spending our [...]
O is for Opportunities Through Mentorship
Mentored to Success You might be wondering what exactly a mentor/mentee relationship is and why you would want (or need) one. If so, you’re in the right place. What is Mentorship? Mentorship is a relationship between you (assuming [...]
N is for New Beginnings
Begin Anew As we look back at the end of 2021 and forward to 2022, it is natural to start thinking of new beginnings. Many of us look at the turn of the year as a chance to [...]
M is for Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of observing what is going on around you. While it can be attached with a meditation process, mindfulness, in its essence, is merely being present in the moment. Below, you’ll find four reasons why [...]
L is for Living a Life of Gratitude
A Life of Gratitude A blog about gratitude the week of Thanksgiving? What a novel concept! But seriously, there are so many great reasons to actively practice gratitude that I think we should make it an integral part [...]
K is for Kicking Bad Habits
Kick Your Bad Habits While it’s still a little early in the year to start thinking about my New Year’s resolutions, I have been thinking about some bad habits that I witness (and yes, exhibit) regularly. So here [...]
J is for a Job You Love
Love Your Job There is a popular saying that says, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I think there is some truth to that, don’t you? So, [...]
I is for Interview Tips
The idea of interviewing for a new position is understandably intimidating. But you don’t need to be nervous, as long as you follow these easy tips. A Good Interview Starts Days Before In the days leading up to [...]
H is for Hard Work
Have you ever thought about how you would define hard work? I think we can all agree field workers that spend eight hours a day picking produce under the hot summer sun are performing hard work. Of course, [...]
G is for Godly Goals
How to Set Godly Goals I have a feeling that for many of my readers, the idea of Godly Goals might be a foreign concept. Goals are just goals, right? Well, not so fast. In a recent conversation [...]
F is for Financial Freedom
What is Financial Freedom You may hear “financial freedom” and think independently wealthy, and while that is one way to define it, it’s not the only way. Being financially free means the ability to maintain your current lifestyle [...]
E is for Education
Getting an Education My all-time favorite saying is, “You don’t have to have a degree to have an education.” I’m not sure if I came up with the quote or if I heard it somewhere, but either way, [...]
D is for Don’t Wait
Don't Wait for Perfect Timing How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, “The time just isn’t quite right.” Or “I’ll start _____ when _____ happens.” If you’re anything like me, the answer is “too [...]
C is for Career
Career Vs. Job What's the Difference Between a Job and a Career? Have you ever thought about the difference between a job and a career? While we often use those words interchangeably, there is a distinct difference between [...]
B is for Balance
How to Find a Work/Life Balance Feeling Balanced is About Effective Time Management In today’s current work environment, many of us are working from home part-time or full-time. I know I am not the only person struggling to [...]
Asking for a Raise
How to Ask for a Raise If you are uncomfortable with the idea of asking for a raise, you’re not alone. Why is it so difficult to assess our strengths, then ask someone else to recognize our worth [...]
Do you need a reset
WHY EVERYONE NEEDS TO HIT THE RESET BUTTON I've been struggling for the last two weeks to buckle down and get my life organized. I feel like I've been busy, busy, busy, but treading more water than swimming [...]
What Does a Book Editor Do?
Why do I need a book editor? With the myriad of resources available to new authors, it’s easy to think that you don’t need a book editor. But that is a rookie mistake, and I’ll tell you why. [...]
I Hate My Job! Now What?
What to Do If You Hate Your Job If you’re reading this article, chances are pretty good that you have at one time hated your job. We’ve all been there. But what – if anything – can we [...]
How to Stop Procrastinating
Curb Your Procrastinating Tendencies STOP PROCRASTINATING We all procrastinate. I successfully did it all day today, and I find myself writing this blog at 7 p.m. the night before it’s due. But I had a good reason – [...]
Senior Enlisted – Defining Characteristics of a True Professional
SENIOR ENLISTED MEMBER TALKS PROFESSIONALISM I shared a conversation recently with a senior enlisted member of the special operations community, who prefers to remain anonymous. In this article, we'll just call him Senior. He and I were talking [...]
How to Nail Your Headshot
Last week on the first episode of her new podcast, Your Story Within, Dr. Jeannine Bennet spoke with professional photographer Laura Hatcher on the role of a good headshot in landing a job. I took notes and have [...]
Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear
POWER OF WORDS Don't worry. This isn't going to be one of those "Don't listen to the mainstream media" type posts. (However…oh never mind.) I think this post is going to surprise many readers, but in a good [...]
6 Tips for Living a Life of Integrity
Integrity Dictionary.com defines integrity as "adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. A pretty thorough yet straightforward definition. Another definition of integrity is "a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition," as in the integrity of a [...]
Make a Change – It’s Never too Late!
I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by several brave men and women who have had the guts to make a change later in their lives. Today, after you’ve taken a hard look at your current situation, [...]
How Your Decisions Indicate Your Direction
How Your Decisions Indicate Your Direction While we can’t control what life throws at us, we are in full control of our choices, actions, and responses. We can let "destiny" happen to us as inaction carries us along, [...]
5 Simple Ways to be More Intentional
Five Simple Ways to be More Intentional Over the past few months, I have not been intentional with my time. I have often felt like I’m running on autopilot, more than I care to admit. I get up, [...]
Why is Networking So Important?
Why is Networking So Important? While most professionals widely accept that networking is vital to career success, it still might not be at the top of your to-do list. I get it – networking can be draining, awkward, [...]
How to Connect With Your Interviewer
How to Connect With Your Interviewer There are a lot of factors that determine the level of success of an interview. From the content of your resume to the way you respond to questions, you are working to [...]
20 Retreats for Veterans and Active Duty Military
20 Retreats for Veterans & Active Duty Military This week I came off a relaxing week at a totally free retreat for military veterans and their families in western Michigan. As a result, I was inspired to share [...]
The Importance of Having Hobbies
The Importance of Having Hobbies An article about the importance of hobbies from a company that helps you in your job search may seem a little counterintuitive. However, we at Vision to Purpose are firm believers in working [...]
5 Tips to Creating Brand YOU
5 Tips to Creating Brand YOU WHAT IS PERSONAL BRANDING? L’Oreal told millions of women to buy their product “because you’re worth it." De Beers convinced us that “a diamond is forever." Everyone knows that Wheaties are "the [...]
Develop Branding Statement
How to Develop a Personal Branding Statement In today's competitive workforce, making yourself stand out can be a challenge. This is where a personal branding statement is invaluable. Developing and marketing your personal branding statement will help you [...]
Don’t Be Discouraged
Why You Shouldn’t Be Discouraged by a Failed Job Interview FAILED JOB INTERVIEW Getting discouraged by a failed job interview is not an uncommon reaction. But there are several reasons why you shouldn't let a failed job interview [...]
Blue Collar Skills
5 Things Blue Collar Employers Look for In a Hire Blue Collar Skills While some assume that “unskilled” or “low-skilled” labor jobs also referred to as blue collar jobs, don’t have any skill requirements, as implied by their [...]
Core Resume Message
Why Your Resume Should Have a Core Message CORE RESUME MESSAGE One of the most common mistakes people make when searching for a job is not being selective and intentional about what information they put on their resume, [...]
Companies Still Hiring
Companies Still Hiring During the Coronavirus With million Americans filing for unemployment last week, it may be a surprise to you that many companies are still hiring right now – some are even hiring more than they were [...]
Objectives and Goals
Aligning Your Objectives to Reach Your Career Goals You may think that objectives and goals are different words for the same concept, but there is a distinct difference. Goals include your primary ideal outcome, and they tend to [...]
Body Mind Soul
Take Care of Your Body, Mind, & Soul During COVID-19 It is just as important as ever to take daily steps to keep your body, mind, and soul healthy during this global pandemic of the Coronavirus. Below, you'll [...]
Determine Your Worth
Don’t Let Others Determine Your Worth This month at Vision to Purpose, we’re talking all about knowing your worth, and I can’t stress enough how important of a topic this is. There are so many lies and opinions [...]
Mindset & Job Search
Mindset Is an Important Part of Getting a Job I'll be the first to admit that many factors are entirely out of our control when it comes to the job search. Instead of discussing things we can't change, [...]
Work and COVID-19
Work and COVID-19 - Successfully Transitioning Work and COVID-19? The current global pandemic of COVID-19 is something most of us have never seen the likes of before in our lives. This situation brings with it fear, anxiety, and [...]
Rearview Mirror?
Are You Living in the Rearview Mirror? This month at Vision to Purpose, we’re focusing on personal growth. Many wise people before us have observed that personal growth requires self-reflection. Self-reflection allows us to observe and analyze how [...]
Career You Want
Getting the Career You Want Takes Focus We’ve all seen the type of person who sets their mind to an incredible career goal and does it-just like that. They just DO the thing they set out to do, [...]
Prepare for Change
3 Things You Must Do to Prepare for a Career Change If you do a quick Google search for "How to prepare for a career change," you'll come up with over 580 million results. That's a lot of [...]