Mindset and Positive First Impressions
Mindset and First Impressions In the intricate dance of first impressions, your mindset is the silent orchestrator, directing the harmony of your thoughts and behaviors. It's a powerful force that can either propel you toward success or cast [...]
Pound the Stone by Joshua Metcalf (Book Review)
Secret to Mastery In the pursuit of success, be it in your career, relationships, or personal development, there exists a secret to mastery that often eludes many. It's a single principle, a hidden gem known only to the [...]
The Slight Edge Mindset [Small Steps, Big Changes]
Slight Edge In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly searching for quick ways to succeed. However, in pursuing personal growth and success, it's the small, consistent actions that can lead to monumental changes. This concept, known as "The [...]
Cultivating a CEO of Your Life Mindset
5 Steps to Positivity In the grand theater of life, you are the CEO. You are the captain of your ship, the driver of your destiny, and the author of your story. Your mindset plays a pivotal role [...]
Overcome Challenges to Achieve Author Success
Challenges Self-Published Authors Face In the ever-expanding world of self-publishing, authors face a multitude of challenges on their journey to getting their work out into the world. From visibility and quality control to marketing and distribution hurdles, navigating [...]
The Power of Goal Planning
Transforming Dreams into Reality In today's fast-paced world, where distractions abound and time is at a premium, it's easy to feel like life is simply passing us by. However, there is a proven way to take control of [...]
P is for Priorities
What are your priorities? For many of us, that’s a simple question that we can give a quick answer to. For others, it’s a loaded question because it comes with the instant self-reflection of where we’re spending our [...]
O is for Opportunities Through Mentorship
Mentored to Success You might be wondering what exactly a mentor/mentee relationship is and why you would want (or need) one. If so, you’re in the right place. What is Mentorship? Mentorship is a relationship between you (assuming [...]
G is for Godly Goals
How to Set Godly Goals I have a feeling that for many of my readers, the idea of Godly Goals might be a foreign concept. Goals are just goals, right? Well, not so fast. In a recent conversation [...]
What Does a Book Editor Do?
Why do I need a book editor? With the myriad of resources available to new authors, it’s easy to think that you don’t need a book editor. But that is a rookie mistake, and I’ll tell you why. [...]
How to Stop Procrastinating
Curb Your Procrastinating Tendencies STOP PROCRASTINATING We all procrastinate. I successfully did it all day today, and I find myself writing this blog at 7 p.m. the night before it’s due. But I had a good reason – [...]
How to Nail Your Headshot
Last week on the first episode of her new podcast, Your Story Within, Dr. Jeannine Bennet spoke with professional photographer Laura Hatcher on the role of a good headshot in landing a job. I took notes and have [...]
Two Fears to Overcome
Two Fears You Need to Work on to be a Successful Author To be a successful author, there are two fears you need to conquer. Before I jump into what those fears are, let me talk about success. If you [...]
Writing a Book
So, You Want to Write a Book As a recently published author, I know what it feels like to have the desire to write a book but not know where to start. I envisioned writing a book for years but couldn’t seem [...]