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F is for Financial Freedom
What is Financial Freedom You may hear “financial freedom” and think independently wealthy, and while that is one way to define it, it’s not the only way. Being financially free means the ability to maintain [...]
E is for Education
Getting an Education My all-time favorite saying is, “You don’t have to have a degree to have an education.” I’m not sure if I came up with the quote or if I heard it somewhere, [...]
D is for Don’t Wait
Don't Wait for Perfect Timing How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, “The time just isn’t quite right.” Or “I’ll start _____ when _____ happens.” If you’re anything like me, the [...]
C is for Career
Career Vs. Job What's the Difference Between a Job and a Career? Have you ever thought about the difference between a job and a career? While we often use those words interchangeably, there is a [...]
B is for Balance
How to Find a Work/Life Balance Feeling Balanced is About Effective Time Management In today’s current work environment, many of us are working from home part-time or full-time. I know I am not the only [...]
What Companies Want
Job seekers, do you know “What Companies Want” when it comes to finding the perfect candidate for a position? Companies typically seek certain qualities and qualifications from job seekers. They want candidates who possess relevant [...]