LinkedIn Open to Work

LinkedIn’s Open to Work – Worth Activating?

As a job seeker, you’re always looking for ways to increase your visibility to potential employers and land your dream job. One tool that you may have heard of is LinkedIn’s Open to Work feature. But what exactly is it, and should you use it? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using the Open to Work feature and help you decide whether it’s right for you.

What is LinkedIn’s Open to Work Feature?

The Open to Work feature is a tool on LinkedIn that allows you to signal to recruiters and potential employers that you are open to new job opportunities. When you activate the feature, a green “Open to Work” frame is added to your profile photo, and you can customize your job preferences to receive relevant job recommendations. You can also choose to share that you’re open to work with your network, or only with recruiters.

Pros of Using LinkedIn’s Open to Work Feature

Increased Visibility: By using the Open to Work feature, you can increase your visibility to potential employers who are looking for candidates with your skills and experience. This can help you get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers who may not have found your profile otherwise.

Customization: You can customize your job preferences and receive job recommendations that match your skills and interests. This can save you time and effort by filtering out irrelevant job openings.

Networking: Using the feature can help you expand your professional network and connect with recruiters and hiring managers who may not have found your profile otherwise. You can also receive job referrals from your connections and potentially get access to job openings that aren’t publicly advertised.

Control: You can turn the feature on and off at any time, giving you control over when and how you are visible to recruiters and potential employers.

Ease of Use: The feature is easy to activate and requires minimal effort to use, making it a convenient tool for job seekers who want to increase their job search prospects.

Cons of Using LinkedIn’s Open-to-Work Feature

Privacy Concerns: Broadcasting your job search status to your network can be awkward and may put your personal information at risk. Additionally, you may receive unwanted solicitations from unsuitable recruiters.

Perception by Employers: Some employers may view the feature negatively or see it as a lack of commitment to your current job. Using the feature frequently can also lead to overexposure and turn off recruiters.

Limited Reach: The feature may not reach all potential employers or a diverse range of them.

Increased Competition: It may attract many job seekers to apply for the same job openings, leading to increased competition.

Lack of Control over Job Recommendations: LinkedIn’s algorithms may not always accurately match you with relevant job openings.

Stigmatization: Some employers may view job seekers who use the feature as desperate or lacking in confidence.

Alternatives to Open to Work Frame

Update your LinkedIn profile: Make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date with your current skills, experience, and job preferences. This will help recruiters and hiring managers find you when they are searching for candidates.

Use the #OpenToWork hashtag: Add the #OpenToWork hashtag to your LinkedIn headline or summary section to indicate that you are open to job opportunities. This will make it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to find you when they are searching for candidates.

Network with recruiters: Connect with recruiters in your industry or field of interest on LinkedIn and let them know that you are open to job opportunities. You can also reach out to them directly to inquire about any job openings they may have.

Join relevant LinkedIn groups: Join LinkedIn groups that are relevant to your industry or field of interest. This will give you an opportunity to connect with other professionals and stay up to date on industry news and job openings.

Be active on LinkedIn: Post regular updates and engage with other professionals on LinkedIn to increase your visibility and expand your network. This can also help you build relationships with recruiters and hiring managers who may be looking for candidates like you.

By utilizing these strategies, you can demonstrate that you are open to job opportunities on LinkedIn without using the Open to Work frame. Remember, it’s important to be strategic and intentional in your job search efforts to maximize your chances of success.

Final Thoughts

As a career coach, I am not a fan of the Open to Work frame. I prefer my clients opt for the alternative methods shared because they produce better results.

If you are thinking about activating the Open to Work feature, ask yourself if the benefits outweigh the risks and if it aligns with your job search strategy. As with any tool, it’s important to use it strategically and intentionally to maximize its potential. So, if you do choose to use the Open to Work feature, make sure to do so with careful consideration and a clear understanding of the potential pros and cons.

As always, I’m here to support and guide you on your career journey.





About Dr. Bennett & Vision to Purpose

Dr. Jeannine Bennett, the driving force behind Vision to Purpose, is dedicated to empowering individuals and businesses to achieve their goals through customized career, business, and writing solutions. Our team of experts is passionate about helping people find meaningful employment, offering a full suite of career services, writing coaching for aspiring authors, and invaluable business consulting. Visit to learn more about our services today! Whether you need a professional resume writer, a writing coach, or a business consultant, Dr. Bennett and the Vision to Purpose team are here to guide you on your path to success.

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