J is for a Job you Love

Love Your Job

There is a popular saying that says, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I think there is some truth to that, don’t you? So, do you love the job you’re at? If you can answer yes to that, then great! You can stop reading now. But if you answered no, then I have a few points for you to consider.


She does not love her job

You may be feeling restless in your current position or feel like you aren’t making a difference. Perhaps you feel a strong urge to use your gifts and abilities more. Maybe you just aren’t fulfilled.

If your job isn’t fulfilling your calling, do you at least look forward to going to work?  Are you passionate about your work? At the very least, does it line up with your values?  If you can’t say yes to any of those, I suggest that you start working toward a job that meets some of those criteria.

You may need to grow your knowledge base before switching jobs. The beautiful thing about technology is that an unlimited amount of training and education is available at our fingertips. Check out our recent article on inexpensive ways to get an education.


Positive Work environment

Many people may be working what they thought would be their dream job but find that the work environment lacks morale. If this is your case, I challenge you to ask yourself what you could do to influence things around the office positively. For example, are you contributing to the negative attitude or office gossip?  This recent article further discusses things you can do to improve your work environment.


Passion led us to what we do in our personal life

Perhaps the position you’re currently working in isn’t part of your life’s calling.  It’s okay if it isn’t – many people satisfy their calling during off-work hours. And many callings don’t bring in any money (rescuing dogs, anyone?), so a regular nine-to-five is necessary.

But if you’re one of those people who aren’t satisfied with your work or social life, ask yourself if you can make changes outside of work that would lead to more life satisfaction?  Can you make your life’s calling an extra-curricular activity?  If we’re honest with ourselves – some of our biggest dreams don’t pay well upfront – if ever. And that’s okay. Chances are, you’re drawn to it more out of passion and a sense of fulfillment than a desire for money.

Maybe you’re dreaming of becoming an author. Can you carve out time to write that novel you’ve been dreaming about? Or take a couple of weeks a year to go on that mission trip? Whatever it may be, commit to spending a little time each day or week to work toward your passion project.


What is your life's calling

We are not all lucky enough to live out our life’s passions through our careers. But that doesn’t mean we can’t love our job anyway. So take steps to create a healthy work-life balance and whatever steps are necessary to enjoy your job more – even if that means getting a different position. Life is too short to miss out on your calling.


Melanie Lemus is the Communications Specialist for Vision to Purpose providing self-help, business, and career-focused topics. She lives in Virginia with her wonderful husband and witty daughter. Melanie loves her freedom – in Christ and America. She’s passionate about natural health and homeopathy, and she’s always down to take a hike through the mountains.


Vision to Purpose is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed by offering tailored career, life, and business solutions, specializing in military transitions. We also help writers become published authors!

Need a resume writer? How about a writing coach? Perhaps a business consultant? Look no further; Dr. Bennett and the Vision to Purpose team can help! You can learn more about Vision to Purpose by visiting www.visiontopurpose.com.

Ready to take action and land your next job or get that promotion you’ve been eyeing? Let’s make it happen together!