Body Mind Soul

Take Care of Your Body, Mind, & Soul During COVID-19

It is just as important as ever to take daily steps to keep your body, mind, and soul healthy during this global pandemic of the Coronavirus.   

Below, you’ll find a list of free resources that I’ve compiled to assist you in this task, but this list is by no means exhaustive.  

BODY – Exercise 


Regular exercise, restful sleep, and nutritious food are three essential foundations to consider when taking care of your body. Lucky for us, there are hundreds of companies that are stepping up to help us achieve these goals. 

While it’s currently still considered safe to be outside (as long as social-distancing practices are observed), long walks or bike rides are a great way to soak up some vitamin-D (a natural immunity booster!). It’s also an effective way to shake off that cabin-fever we’re all starting to feel.  

If indoor exercise is more your speed, check out this list of 25+ Free Live-Stream Workouts available during the Coronavirus quarantine. In this list, you’ll find a little bit of everything appropriate for any level of ability.  

BODY – Sleep 

Anyone who has ever had insomnia knows that sleep deprivation makes even the smallest problems seem insurmountable. Not only does good quality sleep play an important role in mental health, but it also affects our physical health, including our ability to fight off disease.  

This comprehensive post by Wellness Mama delves deep into the science behind sleep. It gives a ton of resources and tips for improving your night’s rest.  

BODY – Nutrition 

The quote, “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but will rather cure and prevent disease with nutrition. ” has often been credited to the brilliant inventor Thomas Edison.  While the accuracy of the quote’s origin remains up for debate, the quote itself is gaining more and more scientific support.  

During this pandemic, we’ve heard many stories of people being sent home from the hospital because they are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients, so it is more important than ever to have some other tools up our sleeves to help with our immune health at home.  

This article lists 16 Immune Boosting Foods a Nutritionist Recommends. 

In addition to nutrient-dense whole foods, one food that has been a staple in my household for years now is good-quality bone broth. While I make mine from scratch (check out this easy recipe!), you can also buy bone broth in stores, although you’re going to pay a premium for it.   

Bone broth is gentle on sensitive stomachs and is the perfect food when illness strikes. I always keep at least a few gallons on hand at a time, and either drink it hot out of a mug or make soup with it.  

While it’s important to add these nutrient-dense foods to your diet, it is also essential to remove highly inflammatory foods from your diets, such as sugar and grains (for those of us with autoimmune issues). Sugar, in particular, plummets your immune system, and the effect lasts several hours after consumption. It’s no coincidence that flu season starts right around candy season (Halloween)!   

MIND – Intellectual Stimulation 


At Vision to Purpose, we’re huge fans of continuous learning. Right now, there are so many resources available for people stuck at home with nothing but time.  

Whether you’re interested in taking a class just for fun or trying to learn a new skill to help you further your career, there are many options available to you. 

Check out this great list where you can find language, software, musical, business, and general academic classes, among others! And this list isn’t just for the business professional – you’ll find something for all ages and skill levels.  

Our own Dr. Jeannine Bennett is also offering her online resume writing course for a steep discount ($99 down to $29) for the duration that were in isolation! This is a class you do not want to skip if you are going to be job hunting soon. As an added bonus, she is offering a free resume review for anyone that purchases the course!  Use code COVID19 for the discounted price. 

In addition to online classes, I keep my mind active by reading or listening to audiobooks and podcasts. Many local libraries have partnerships with digital services like Hoopla and Libby, where you can download digital content, including audiobooks, eBooks, music albums, and movies for free with your library card. Checkout limits and content varies by library, but during the Coronavirus crisis, Hoopla added a section of books called “Bonus Borrows” that don’t count towards your Hoopla borrow limit! 

MIND – Mental Health 

Understandably, rates of anxiety and depression are rising during this crisis. People are anxious about their health, their jobs, their friends and family, and even conspiracies about what might actually be going on.  Additionally, many people are experiencing intensified depression symptoms with the increased isolation from others. 

If this is you, please reach out to someone and know that you are not alone. If this is not you, please reach out to someone you know that suffers from anxiety and/or depression and offer your support. We are all in this together! 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released this article that details a lot of resources available for those who are struggling with mental health.  

Additionally, many insurance companies and counseling offices are working together to offer low-priced or free mental health counseling during this time, many even waiving co-pays! Call your insurance company to see what options are available to you.   

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please do not hesitate to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. 

MIND – Emotional Connection 

As someone who works remotely and lives 16 hours away from any family, I am no stranger to daily FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom calls. However, during this unique time of social isolation, my family and I have been enjoying variations on our usually entertaining video chats. I’ve been playing games via FaceTime with my nieces and nephews, and we’ve even had a “family dinner” with everyone on the same FaceTime call!   

This crazy time is a perfect opportunity to get creative with how we maintain emotional connections with others. I recently purchased this For the Love of Paper book, and I’m making it a goal to hand-write a letter to someone each week from it.   


Soul Bible Study

As with our bodies, our souls need daily nurturing and sustenance. There are many ways to do this.  As a Christian, I spend time in prayer, devotionals, and Scripture.  There are many Bible and devotional apps available to help guide you in deepening your study. I really like the YouVersion Bible app (when I don’t have my physical Bible) and the First5 devotional app 

I also find it very fulfilling to take time to write down all of the things that I have to be grateful for. Many people enjoy writing in a gratitude journal and find that it really helps set a positive tone for their day.  

Walking in nature is a great way to take in all of God’s majestic creation. Personally, I prefer to go on walks in the mountains, woods, or along the beach because it renews my spirit in ways that city walking never does. Two great websites, and, are awesome resources for finding new places to explore near you.  

Additionally, giving back to others is a tried-and-true way to nurture your soul. It could be as simple as rolling your neighbor’s trash bin back to their house after pickup (my elderly neighbor has done this for ME every week for years!) or sewing facial masks for those in the medical industry. There are so many opportunities – just take inventory of your skills and resources and use your imagination to serve others.  


Finally, I just want to offer a gentle reminder to look around you. Don’t let this isolation turn into a period where you are alone, yet together with your family. Take the time to have conversations, to play games, to go on long walks, to laugh, and to have meals together. Even while isolated, this is an incredible opportunity to grow closer to your family and community.  

About the Author:   

Melanie LemusMelanie Lemus is the Communications Specialist for Vision to Purpose providing self-help, business, and career focused topics.   

About Vision to Purpose:   

Vision to Purpose is an organization dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed through the offering of tailored career, life and business solutions.  

Need a resume writer? How about a career coach? Perhaps a business consultant? Look no further, Dr. Bennett and the Vision to Purpose team can help! You can learn more about Vision to Purpose by visiting

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