Career Innovator Award

Vision to Purpose Celebrates Win

Virginia Beach, VA – May 21, 2024- Vision to Purpose, LLC is proud to announce that Dr. Jeannine Bennett has been honored with the 2024 Career Innovator Award from Career Directors International for her book “Brewing Success: A Job Seeker’s Guide to Networking” along with its support tools. This prestigious award highlights her significant contribution to the field of career development through innovative resources and strategies.

Career Innovator Awards by CDI

The Career Innovator Awards, reintroduced by Career Directors International (CDI) in 2018 after a five-year hiatus, are held every two years to recognize leaders in the career industry who bring new and effective products, services, or tools to the market. These awards serve as a testament to the creativity, passion, and expertise of career professionals who make a tangible difference in the industry. Based on 2024 participation, CDI projects that the next award cycle may not reopen until 2031.

“Innovation is crucial in today’s rapidly changing world,” said Dr. Jeannine Bennett. “Winning this award is a significant honor that validates the hard work and dedication put into creating ‘Brewing Success.’ I am deeply grateful to Career Directors International for this recognition and to my contributors for their invaluable insights.”

The award process is rigorous, with entries evaluated by a panel of 5-7 judges who assess the uniqueness, effectiveness, and impact of the innovation. Participants must demonstrate that their innovation is unique, available for full evaluation, and has had a positive impact on the target market, supported by testimonials.

The Career Innovator Award provides winners with increased visibility, credibility, and growth opportunities. It distinguishes them as leaders committed to excellence and innovation in the career industry. By receiving this award, Vision to Purpose is recognized for its exceptional contribution to helping job seekers enhance their networking skills and achieve their career goals.

“I extend my heartfelt thanks to the contributors who played a pivotal role in the success of ‘Brewing Success’: Aricia Shaffer, Austin Storck, Beverly Smith, Christal Marshall, Earl McFarland, Janie Livesay, Jennifer Cragg, John Mullins, Len Remias, Lisa Rothwell, and Shane Arnold. Your expertise and support have been invaluable,” Dr. Bennett added.

For more information about Vision to Purpose and “Brewing Success: A Job Seeker’s Guide to Networking,” go here:

Vision to Purpose

Vision to Purpose, LLC is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses achieve their goals through comprehensive career coaching, resume writing, and professional development services. Led by Dr. Jeannine Bennett, the organization offers personalized solutions to empower clients to succeed in their professional endeavors.

Ready to take action and land your next job or get that promotion you’ve been eyeing? Let’s make it happen together!